My Story in Under 300 Words

First and foremost, I’m a husband to a beautiful, loving, and incredibly supportive wife.

Second, I’m a dad to two amazing little boys.

I always want those two things to represent my identity. Everything else is a work in progress.

I spent 15 years after college as a construction project manager. It was a good run. But by the time our first kid was six months old, I felt called to do something different. I left for work before he woke up and got home as he was falling asleep. Something had to change.

One Saturday my wife went on a long run. When she got back she said she had an “epiphany.” That I should quit my job.

So, I told her she should go running more often.

And then I turned in my two-week notice.

Well, not really. It took a few weeks to get to that point. We knew this was the right decision, but we had a lot of things to figure out. Like how we were going to afford this.

I didn’t know what I was going to do, but I knew I had some experience and skills that were valuable. I also knew I had things I wanted to say and writing was my best medium.

So that’s what I do here. I write about navigating through transitions and different phases of life. In real-time. As I experience things.

I’m not perfect and I don’t have all the answers. In fact, I’m still trying to figure things out for myself. But hopefully something I write will inspire you to get over yourself and do that thing you’ve always wanted to do.